And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Whatsoever things are honest,
Whatsoever things are just,
Whatsoever things are pure.
Whatso ever things are lovely,
Whatsoever things a re of good rep ort,
If there be any virtue,
And if there be any praise,
Think on these t hings.
Set your a
not on things on the earth,
If there be any virtue,
And if there be any praise,
Think on these t hings.
kterékoli pocti vé,
kterékoli sprave dliv é,
kterékoli čis té,
které koli milé ,
které koli dobropověst né,
jestli je která cnost
a jestli která chvála,
o těch věcech přemyšluj te.
O svrc
a ne o zems ké,
jestli je která cnost
a jestli která c hvála,
o těch věcech přemyšluj te