And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

# 114

My Soul's Escaped As A Bird

Psalm 91:3, Psalm 124:7-8

/: My soul's escaped as a bird
Out of the snare of the fowler. :/

/: The snare is broken
And we are escaped
Our help is in the name
Of the Lord. :/

# 114

Unikla duše má jako pták

Žalm 91:3, Žalm 124:7-8

/: Unikla duše má jako pták,
unikla z osidla lovce. :/

Ta síť se protrhla a unikli jsme,
naše pomoc je ve jménu Hospodinově.
Ta síť se protrhla a unikli jsme,
naše pomoc je ve jménu Páně. 2x