And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

# 275

Swing Wide

Psalm 24:7-10

Swing wide ye everlasting doors
And let the King of glory come in
Swing wide swing wide ye doors of my heart
That the King in His glory may reign
Who is this King this glorious King
Who is the victory the Lord mighty in battle
The Lord of hosts is He

# 275

Otevři se do široka

Žalm 24:7-10

Otevři se do široka, bráno věčná.
Otevři se, otevři se,
může vejít tvůj Král.
Kdo je ten Král, kdo je ten Pán,
kdo je, kdo zvítězil? On silný je, On mocný je,
On Pán je zástupů.