And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Lord you are more costly than gold
Lord you are more b eautiful than diamonds
And nothing I de sire compares with you.
Lord your love is deeper than oceans
Lord your love is wider than seas
Lord your love encompasses the nations
There's nothing I want more Inside of me.
krásněj ší nežli drahé kame ní,
dražší j si než cokoliv, můj Pane,
nic nelze srovnat s láskou Tvou.
Láska Tvá je hlubší nežli moře,
láska Tvá široká velmi je,
národy svou láskou zahrnuješ,
jen Tebe, Pane, chci mít v srdci svém.