And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

# 103

You Are The Vine

/: You are the vine, we are the branches,
Keep us abiding in you. :/

And we'll walk in your love,
And we'll walk in your name,
Then the world will surely know
That you have power to heal and to save.    

# 103

Jsi vinný kmen

/: Jsi vinný kmen, my ratolesti,
dej, ať zůstáváme v Tobě. :/

A pak půjdem ve Tvé lásce,
A my půjdem ve Tvém jménu.
Tehdy svět jistě pozná,
že máš sílu uzdravit a spasit.