And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

# 102

Worthy Oh Worthy Are You Lord

/: Worthy oh worthy are you Lord
Worthy to be thanked and praised
And worshipped and adored. :/

Singing hallelujah Lamb upon the throne
We worship and adore you
We make your glories known.
Singing hallelujah Glory to the King
You ́re more than a conquerer
You ́re Lord of everything!

# 102

Hoden, Ty jsi hoden, Pane můj

/: Hoden, Ty jsi hoden, Pane můj,
chvály, uctívání, cti a slávy
hoden jsi. :/

Zpívám haleluja Tobě, Beránku,
uctívám a slavím Tebe,
Tvoji slávu zvěstuju.
Zpívám haleluja Tobě, Králi můj,
Ty jsi víc než jen vítěz,
Ty Pán a Král jsi můj.