And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

# 164

All Earth Declares

All earth declares the glory of the risen Lord,
Who can compare with the beauty of the Lord.

/: And forever you will be
The Lamb upon the throne,
I gladly bow my knee
And worship you my Lord. :/  

I will proclaim the glory of the risen Lord,
The Lamb who was slain
To reconcile a man to God.

# 164


A jamais,
Il sera l'Agneau sur le trône
Je fléchis les genoux
Pour t'adorer Toi seul

Les cieux proclament la Gloire du Ressuscité
Rien n'est égal à la beauté du Seigneur

Je veux chanter la Gloire du Ressuscité
L'Agneau immolé nous a racheté pour Dieu

# 164

Vesmírom znie

Vesmírom znie
o zmrtvychvstalom pieseň chvál.
On krásny je, kto sa jemu vyrovná?

/: Na veky bude stáť raz Baránkovi trón.
Kolená skláňam rád a všetkým je mi On. :/

Ja spievať chcem
o zmrtvychvstalom pieseň chvál,
ktorý raz mrel,
aby s Bohom zmieril nás.